
Caribbean Impact Awards

March 20, 2025, 6:00 pm, ET

Terrace on the Park, 52-11 111th Street, Queens, NY 11368

#CaribbeanImpactAwards #Caribbean Life #SchnepsMedia

Caribbean Impact Awards remains one of the most celebrated annual events hosted by Caribbean Life.

The annual Impact Awards recognizes the achievements and contributions of outstanding individuals of Caribbean background who have created the most impact in their respective career fields — from healthcare, the arts, to advocacy, entrepreneurship, and much more. The celebrated honorees are committed to creating and framing the path for incoming immigrants and inspiring generations to come.

Schneps Media, publishers of Caribbean Life and amnyMetro, is proud to bring together these outstanding individuals to connect, support one another, do business and build our community.


Joel Mario Thomas

America Works of New York, Inc.


Caribbean Impact Award Honoree 2021

What a great virtual event celebrating Caribbean's finest! Caribbean Life Impact Awards Team did an excellent job and the event was amazing!

Sylvia Cothia

Executive Director/President
Positive Women United

Power Women of NY

I love the idea that the journal will have all the honorees in Metro New York area that will help us make a lot more connections because I go wherever the business takes me!!! Thank you for your ongoing support, I love your passion to see us ladies shine and grow. You and Vicki are amazing and I’m excited about the event on Monday!! I look forward to seeing you guys on Monday. You need to be honored for all the work you put in, when do you sleep? Lol I love and appreciate you!!!

Debbie Hootam

Vice President, Business Relationship Manager
Apple Bank

Power Women of NY

Tunisha W. Walker-Miller is a political organizer for NY ACORN and was the first African American Woman to serve as Executive Director of the New York State Senate Conference of Black Senators. In 2015, Tunisha launched the MWBE Consulting Group for Capalino, a top NYC lobby firm to help MWBEs and Non-MWBEs connect/comply with City and State regulations. She is the creator of a NY based MWBE Directory and co-creator of the MWBE Connect NY mobile app, which streamlines how MWBEs find government contracts. Tunisha is the founder of The Source Consulting Group LLC., as well as the Association of Black Lobbyists and Consultants (ABLC) . She is the recipient of numerous accolades, including the 2021 Power Women of Queens Award- Schneps Media, the 2020 Power Women of New York Award- Schneps Media, and the 2019 City & State Power 100 of the Most Influential Blacks in Politics (Black 100), to name a few.

Tunisha W. Walker-Miller



5:00 pm ET

VIP Honoree Networking Hour

VIP Hour for Honorees have an opportunity to meet one another and network with sponsors before the rest of the guests arrive. Drinks and Hors D’oeuvres will be served. Photographer will be taking pictures to be featured in Caribbean Life print and digital editions.

6:00 pm ET

Guests arrive

Guests arrive to meet, celebrate and connect with our honorees and sponsors. Drinks and food will be served as all attendees meet and connect.

7:00 pm ET

Award presentation

A high energy, fun award ceremony where honorees are presented their Caribbean Impact Award.

Victoria Schneps, President, CEO

8:00 pm ET

Raffles are Announced

100% of the evening's raffle proceeds go to a local cause.

8:30 pm ET

Event Concludes


Schneps Media

Caribbean Life

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General Inquiries

Schneps Events Team

Amanda Tarley

Sponsorship Inquiries

Amanda Tarley

718 249 9640